While we comment on changes in legislation and workplace policy, it is important to note that any content posted on this website focuses on general information and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser or speak to one of our HR experts for specific and detailed advice.
FYI - Skills Development submissions are due 30 April!
Skills Development submissions are due 30 APRIL 2023 - we’ve outlined the basics for you.
HR & IR Crash Course 2023 - start date 11 April!
Need to brush up on your HR / IR basics so that you're managing your team the best way, as per the law? Sign up for our HR / IR CRASH COURSE!
New national minimum wage - effective 1 March 2021
On Monday 8 February 2021 the new National Minimum Wage (NMW) was published and will increase from R20.76 to R21.69.
Is your Employment Equity submission good to go?
The EE submissions portal opens soon. Are you ready to submit?
Are your people ok? Join our free mental health webinar and be sure.
Join our free mental health at work webinar on 17 June to make help your employees with their return to work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Takling about your business post-lockdown
The NKR team speaks to members of the Pmb Chamber of Business about business post-lockdown.
COVID-19, lockdown, and your workplace? Join NKR for an expert-driven webinar.
In response to the impact of COVID-19 on the South African workplace, NKR has launched a series of webinars. Our next one focuses TERS applications.
COVID19: Everything you need to know about disaster relief funding for small businesses.
Our TERS expert, Justine Dawber, outlines the disaster relief funding options for small businesses affected by the COVD19 lockdown.
Three big reasons to offer employee benefits.
South African employers are not required by law to provide employee benefits and many organisations (especially SMEs with limited resources) see them as an unnecessary cost to company. However, employee benefits could be the difference between the attracting (and retaining) the best talent and making do with a smaller, less-driven pool of employees.
Rewarding your employees doesn't have to be a short-term deal.
Offer true value, today and tomorrow, by investing in their wellbeing through employee benefits.